Few children would hesitate to step in if their elderly parent needed a little help around the house. Further, if a parent seemed lonely, who wouldn’t come over and spend some time with them? Things get tricky, however, when you find yourself spending more and more time with your parent to the detriment of your other responsibilities.

Unfortunately, there are only so many hours in a day and it can be difficult to balance the demands of a job, family and an elderly parent. Many adult children burn themselves out because they are unable to free themselves of unrealistic expectations. In other words, they refuse to ask for help in caring for their elderly parent because they feel as if they have to be everything to everyone. Read more

Why Smart Homes are Keeping Seniors at Home Longer


According to the American Association of Retired Persons, 90 percent of older adults would prefer to stay in their homes as long as possible. This comes as no surprise to most people.

What may come as a surprise, however, is the pivotal role technology plays when it comes to keeping seniors at home. And it isn’t just seniors who are happy about this new technology. Adult children appreciate the peace of mind that comes with knowing their parent is safe at home, and that if something does go wrong with their loved one, they will be alerted immediately. They also appreciate that equipping their parent’s home with smart technology is significantly less expensive than moving them to an assisted living facility or a nursing home. Read more

How is technology allowing seniors to age in place?

House with man and woman and Life Saving Devices

Conventional wisdom is that seniors are unable to stay at home after a certain point because it is too dangerous. Most articles agree that technology is helping seniors stay at home—even by themselves—for a great deal longer than ever before. At Physician’s Choice, we think that just because your parent is living alone, doesn’t mean you have to leave that parent on their own. Read more

How can I make sure my parents have their “affairs in order?”

Keeping an elderly parent independent

What does it mean to have your “affairs in order?” What do you do about your elderly parents affairs? It’s a delicate conversation and one we’ve helped families with for over a decade. Here are some resources you’ll find valuable if you have to engage in such a conversation.  Read more

How to Talk to Parents about Getting their Affairs in Order


As your parents age, you want to be sure that you can spend as much quality time with them as possible. You also want to make sure that you are not so overwhelmed with financial and legal matters that you are too distracted to enjoy this precious time.

Unfortunately, many adults find themselves blindsided by the red tape involved in caring for their parents. In many cases, they incorrectly assume that their parents have all of their affairs in order and everything has been taken care of in advance.

There are a number of reasons why an aging parent or other relative fails to get their affairs in order. Many people simply don’t want to accept the fact that they may become incapacitated someday. Read more

What will happen when your parents can no longer take care of themselves?


Conventional wisdom is that most people put off getting their affairs in order because it is a hard subject to talk about. This means adult children will have a difficult time when they need to take over the care of their parents. Read more

Caring for an Aging Parent without Going Broke


Most adult children would like nothing better than to care for their aging parents. After all, these are the people who raised them and worked hard to give them the best lives possible.Most adult children would like nothing better than to care for their aging parents. After all, these are the people who raised them and worked hard to give them the best lives possible.

The reality is, however, that many adult children are understandably concerned about taking on the financial responsibility that comes with caring for their parents. Medicare generally doesn’t cover long-term stays in a nursing home and even if a family has Medigap, private health insurance won’t cover many expenses. Read more

The Cost of Taking Care of Elderly Parents at Home

Financially supporting your parents

Robert Lang – Getty Images

The most common questions we get at Physician’s Choice Private Duty are around cost. Specifically, if our parents want to stay at home in their later years, how can we afford to make it happen? For your reference, here are some atrticles on how to pay for keeping a parent at home.

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It is only natural that adult children would want to do what is best for their aging parents. After all, their parents raised them and worked hard to give them the best life possible.

In light of this fact, many adult children are taken off guard when their parents react negatively to any talk of providing them with assistance as they age. And instead of thanking their children, these parents instead seem insulted at the idea that they would need to be taken care of. Read more

What to Do When an Aging Parent Won’t Listen


This month we’re focused on the communication challenges that happen when an adult child tries to help a parent. It’s a real issue and since most of us only get to have these conversations once or twice, it’s hard to develop any expertise on your own. Use these resources to learn more and if you still have questions, call and talk to us. We’ve helped hundreds of families in Omaha and we might be able to help.  Read more