How can I make sure my parents have their “affairs in order?”
How can I make sure my parents have their “affairs in order?”
What does it mean to have your “affairs in order?” What do you do about your elderly parents affairs? It’s a delicate conversation and one we’ve helped families with for over a decade. Here are some resources you’ll find valuable if you have to engage in such a conversation.
4 Key End-of-Life Documents to Get in Order
Good overview of the essential documents needed to take charge of aging parents’ affairs.
Putting Affairs in Order Before Death
How to make sure your family knows what you want when it comes to everything from health care to funeral plans.
What do I need to do to get my family member/friend’s legal affairs in order?
Very brief article on how to get a loved one’s affairs in order, including the necessary documentation you need to have in your possession.
Two examples of how families got their affairs in order. Very detailed timelines and lists included.
If you have questions or concerns about how to handle your family’s situation, call and talk to us at Physician’s Choice Private Duty. 402-331-2273.