Video: Real people, real stories

Video: Real people, real stories

Senior Living Option

The many stages of senior care brings about a life changing journey that is challenging and full of tough decisions, as the needs of each individual are different. This video features actual Encompass clients talking about their experiences working with us, from the services we provide to the depth of knowledge we offer when answering important questions.

Physicians Choice Private Duty currently serving Omaha, Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa provides seniors and their families a complete understanding of the available care options and helps families maneuver through the challenges of the system. All Physicians Choice Private Duty services are directed by registered nurses or social workers with no long-term contracts. Contact us today for help with your senior care needs.

“Physicians Choice Private Duty solves the problems families face in finding home health care providers they can trust. Providers who will focus on strategies that keep parents in their homes. To learn more about our health care services, visit”