Real Stories: Being home safe is the greatest relief

Real Stories: Being home safe is the greatest relief

Real Stories: Being home safe is the greatest reliefTodays post features real-life stories of how Physicians Choice Private Duty helped an elderly person and their loved ones through a tough decision-making process that ensured each persons individual care needs were met. Names have been changed to respect privacy.

Josh and Lana

Sometimes caregivers need relief, and that’s exactly what Physicians Choice Private Duty provided for Josh and wife Lana. Josh was a younger gentleman suffering from a brain injury and cancer. Lana, his wife was his primary caregiver but was getting burned out from the 24-7 car Josh required. She contacted Physicians Choice Private Duty for help. We provided limited respite care at their house so Lana could leave and not have to worry about Josh’s well-being.

Juan and Lydia

Juan was a former business owner with MS whose physical limitations did not allow him to perform necessary everyday tasks such as bathing himself. With the help of Physicians Choice Private Duty, in-home care provided Juan with a bath a few times a week. He was able to remain at home with his wife acting as his primary caregiver.


As a 60-year-old poorly controlled schizophrenic living independently, Mary was having problems properly taking care of herself. After seeking the help of Physicians Choice Private Duty, we recommended a medication reminder system, assisted with keeping her apartment clean and provided medical oversight for her other health concerns as well as transportation to doctor’s appointments. She was able to regain control, remaining at home independent and safe.

Eileen and Brent

Eileen was an elderly woman suffering from significant heart disease living with her husband Brent in an apartment. Physicians Choice Private Duty completed an assessment and set up a plan to manage Eileen’s medication and provide basic in-home services to limit her physical exertion during the day, helping her conserve her energy. She was able to remain at home with her husband, independent and safe.

Physicians Choice Private Duty currently serving Omaha, Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa provides seniors and their families a complete understanding of the available care options and helps families maneuver through the challenges of the system. All Physicians Choice Private Duty services are directed by registered nurses or social workers with no long-term contracts. Contact us today for help with your senior care needs.


“Physicians Choice Private Duty solves the problems families face in finding home health care providers they can trust. Providers who will focus on strategies that keep parents in their homes. To learn more about our health care services, visit”