When the Aging Parent You Cared for Dies, It Can be a Struggle Moving Forward
When a parent you have cared for dies that loss is compounded by a feeling of no longer being needed. The process of grieving is different for everyone but can be particularly complicated for caregivers who experience a wide range of emotions that often seem impossible to navigate.
Feeling Relief (and Guilt) at Caregiving’s End
There is an uncomfortable mixture of feelings that many family caregivers struggle with after a care recipient dies and caregiving suddenly ends. One significant emotion is often guilt.
Picking Up the Pieces After the Person You Have Been Caring for Dies
There is no right or wrong associated with grief especially after being a caregiver. The challenge is suddenly your attention and focus must switch from the person you cared for to yourself.
Caregiver Grief Triggers Mixed Emotions
From the initial diagnosis to a loved one’s death and beyond, caregivers are faced with a barrage of conflicting feelings.