
Moving elderly parents to assisted living is a major and often difficult transition. Most children of elderly parents do not have serious conversations with their parents about the transition until a crisis happens to make the need for a move apparent. During a crisis, for example a parent falling and breaking their hip, gathering all the necessary information, making financial preparations, and getting the family to agree on what to do next creates a stressful mess.

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House Calls Make a Comeback

We like to think of ourselves as a group that focuses on our client’s quality of life at Encompass. We aim to make individuals more comfortable and live the way they wish to, whatever that might mean to them. Generally we find that what people want is to live in their own home. This trend is noticeable nation-wide in an increased demand for palliative care at home. A recent article from the New York Times, House Calls Are Making a Comeback, details the movement. Read more

Elder Financial AbuseHere at Encompass, we work to prevent elder abuse. Elder abuse can take several forms, but its most common form is financial abuse. In a 2011 survey, seniors stated that financial exploitation was the most frequent type of abuse they experienced. Financial elder abuse is broadly defined as illegal or improper use of a 60+ individuals funds, property, or assets. It is common for seniors to be scammed by strangers, silently robbed by caretakers, or finically abused by their own family. Sometimes the victim is aware of the abuse, but feels threatened or trapped. Other times, the abuse goes undetected and is only caught after hundreds of thousands of dollars have been taken. Read more