home care omahaWatching a loved one’s diminishing health slowly work towards eventual death can be an emotionally draining experience for many family caregivers. And once the loved one has passed, is it possible for a caregiver to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? According to a recent article in The New York Times, research on this topic is minimal, only suggesting it’s usually overlooked or discounted (however, several experts do agree that psychological trauma can be caused by the caregiving experience).

Clinical psychologist Barry Jacobs, author of The Emotional Survival Guide for Caregivers, told the newspaper that he often sees caregivers struggling with bothersome thoughts and memories months to years after their loved one has died. Some of these thoughts — flashbacks, anxiety, guilt, depression, apathy, tension and more — are all symptoms associated with PTSD, although one or more symptoms does not prove someone has the condition. Rather, that’s up to experts to decide. Even so, Jacobs said these issues are a very common problem for caregivers.

Dolores Gallagher-Thompas, professor of psychiatry at the Stanford University School of Medicine, told the Times that there is little evidence that caregiving, at least on its own, causes post-traumatic stress. Even so, if a caregiver is vulnerable for another reason, like living through a previous life-changing tragedy, it could activate a response similar to PTSD.

When something happens that the individual perceives and reacts to as a tremendous stressor,”Gallagher-Thompson told the Times,” that can intensify and bring back to the forefront of consciousness memories that were traumatic.

Regardless of whether or not a person is actually suffering from PTSD, the fact remains that many caregivers experience overwhelming stress that feels like the disorder. That’s why it’s important for caregivers who are suffering to seek treatment. It may be a hard road ahead, but with the right professional help and support network, recovery is possible. And hopefully their doctors will document these cases, shedding some more light on this often-overlooked subject.


How to stay healthy as a caregiver


Exploring AARP’s Caregiving Resource Center

Physicians Choice Private Duty currently serving Omaha, Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa provides seniors and their families a complete understanding of the available care options and helps families maneuver through the challenges of the system. All Encompass services are directed by registered nurses or social workers with no long-term contracts. Contact us today for help with your senior care needs.

Photo credit: JLM Photography. via photopin cc

“Physicians Choice Private Duty solves the problems families face in finding home health care providers they can trust. Providers who will focus on strategies that keep parents in their homes. To learn more about our health care services, visit http://www.encompass-home-health-care.com.”

home care omaha dementia alzheimer'sIn a recent article she wrote for the Huffington Post, NYU Medical Center assistant clinical professor of psychiatry Carol W. Berman warns of the dangers of living in denial of our loved one’s diagnosed dementia. Berman can speak from experience, as her husband died in 2012 from Lewy body dementia, according to the article. While denial may block the more painful aspects of your reality, if it goes on too long it can put you and your loved one in life-threatening situations.

That’s why it’s important to break through denial. To help, Berman put together a list of signs of denial, adapted below.

    • Ignoring tell-tale signs. When your elderly mother often trips and drops things, it’s a more than just clumsiness. Rather it indicates her nervous system is impaired.


    • Idealizing your loved one. Your husband with dementia may have been your knight in shining armor for decades now, but thinking he’s perfect and can do no wrong will only lead to dangerous situation after dangerous situation.


    • Rationalizing behavior. When your loved one turns on a stove burner and walks away, don’t convince yourself that she will come back in a minute to boil a pot of water because she won’t — and if you don’t take action you could have a fire on your hands.


    • Allowing your loved one to venture out alone. Getting lost and losing a sense of direction are symptoms of dementia. That’s why it’s important not to let your loved one go on walks our run errands alone.


    • Trying to keep up with old routines and schedules. A person with dementia can’t go to work as usual, even if he or she might want to. Likewise with other aspects of a person’s schedule that are effected by changes caused by dementia.


    • Letting your love continue to drive. As a caregiver, it’s your responsibility to take over driving duties because it’s simply unsafe for your loved one to take wheel. If you can’t always be there, consider hiring a driver.


    • Anger caused by little things. When you’re in denial, you’re suppressing your feelings, thus anger and other feelings will be much more intense than normal. You’ll be able to regain emotional control once you’re out of denial.


    • Projecting your own feelings on your loved one. It’s impossible to always know what you’re loved one is feeling. So take time to sit down and talk at length, trying to figure out what’s the matter.


To help with denial, Berman recommends engaging in psychotherapy with a trusted professional and/or joining a support group, as friends and family are prone to being just as confused and frustrated as you are about your loved one’s dementia.

Physicians Choice Private Duty  currently serving Omaha, Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa ” provides seniors and their families a complete understanding of the available care options and helps families maneuver through the challenges of the system. All Encompass services are directed by registered nurses or social workers with no long-term contracts. Contact us today for help with your senior care needs.

Photo credit: L-M-M via photopin cc

“Physicians Choice Private Duty solves the challenges families face in caring for aging parents, with a focus on strategies that keep them in their homes. To learn more about our solutions, visit us today..”

Today’s post is part of our new series, The Encompass Way. Here, we’ll go over many of the steps involved in setting up a comprehensive care plan, which helps us to provide seniors and their families a complete understanding of the available care options and helps them maneuver through the challenges of the system.

A Patient’s Bill of Rights

elderly care omahaEffective health care requires collaboration between patients and physicians and other health care professionals. Open and honest communication, respect for personal and professional values, and sensitivity to differences are integral to optimal patient care. As the setting for the provision of health services, Physicians Choice Private Duty in-home services must provide a foundation for understanding and respecting the rights and responsibilities of patients, their families, physicians, and other caregivers. Physicians Choice Private Duty must ensure a health care ethic that respects the role of patients in decision making about treatment choices and other aspects of their care. Physicians Choice Private Duty must be sensitive to cultural, racial, linguistic, religious, age, gender and other differences as well as the needs of persons with disabilities.

Bill of Rights

These rights can be exercised on the patient’s behalf by a designated surrogate or prox decision maker if the patient lacks decision-making capacity, is legally incompetent or is a minor.

1. The patient has the right to considerate and respectful care.

2. The patient has the right to and is encouraged to obtain from physicians and other direct caregivers relevant, current and understandable information concerning diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.

3. The patient has the right to make decisions about the plan of care prior to and during the course of treatment and to refuse a recommended treatment or plan of care to the extent permitted by law and Physicians Choice Private Duty policy and to be informed of the medical consequences of this action.

4. The patient has the right to have an advance directive (such as a living will, health care proxy or durable power of attorney for health care) concerning treatment of designating a surrogate decision maker with the expectation that the hospital will honor the intent of the directive to the extent permitted by law and Physicians Choice Private Duty policy.

5. The patient has the right to every consideration of privacy. Case discussion, consultation, examination and treatment should be conducted so as to protect each patient’s privacy.

6. The patient has the right to expect that all communications and records pertaining to his/her care will be treated as confidential by Physicians Choice Private Duty, except in cases such as suspected abuse and public health hazards when reporting is permitted or required by law. The patient has the right to expect that Physicians Choice Private Duty will emphasize the confidentiality of this information when it releases it to any other parties entitled to review information in these records.

7. The patient has the right to review the records pertaining to his/her medical care and to have the information explained or interpreted as necessary, except when restricted by law.

8. The patient has the right to ask and be informed of the existence of business relationships among Physicians Choice Private Duty, educational institutions, other health care providers, other payers that may influence the patient’s treatment and care.

9. The patient has the right to consent or decline to participate in proposed research studies or human experimentation affecting care and treatment or requiring direct patient involvement, and to have those studies fully explained prior to consent. A patient who declines to participate in research or experimentation is entitled to the most effective care that the hospital can otherwise provide.

10. The patient has the right to expect reasonable continuity of care when appropriate and to be informed by physicians and other caregivers of available and realistic patient care options when hospital care is longer appropriate.

11. The patient has the right to be informed of Physicians Choice Private Duty policies and practices that relate to patient care, treatment, and responsibilities. The patient has the right to be informed of available resources for resolving disputes, grievances, and conflicts, such as ethics committees, patient representatives, or other mechanisms available in the institution. The patient has the right to be informed of the Physicians Choice Private Duty’ charges for services and available payment methods.

The collaborative nature of health care requires that patients, or their families/surrogates, participate in their care. The effectiveness of care and patient satisfaction with the course of treatment depends, in part, on the patient fulfilling certain responsibilities. Patients are responsible for providing information about past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters related to health status. To participate effectively in decision making, patients must be encouraged to take responsibility for requesting additional information or clarification about their health status or treatment when they do not fully understand information and instructions. Patients are also responsible for ensuring that the health care institution has a copy of their written advance directive if they have one. Patients are responsible for informing their physicians and other caregivers if they anticipate problems in following prescribed treatment.

Currently serving Omaha and surrounding areas, all Encompass services are directed by registered nurses or social workers with no long-term contracts.Contact us today for help with your senior care needs.

Photo credit: caddymob via photopin cc

“Physicians Choice Private Duty solves the problems families face in finding home health care providers they can trust. Providers who will focus on strategies that keep parents in their homes. To learn more about our health care services, visit http://www.encompass-home-health-care.com.”

We all know that caregiving can be extremely taxing on the mind and body if stress isn’t addressed and handled appropriately. That said, not everyone has a healthy outlet, let alone access to someone they can reach out to and discuss their experiences with, seeking honest feedback and advice.

That’s where online communities come in.

We’ve already discussed AARP’s excellent Caregiver Resource Center in a previous post. Today, we’ll dive a little deeper and examine the Caregivers Group Directory within the resource center. Here, real people gather to ask questions about and share their experiences with caregiving. The best part? They (usually) receive good, honest advice from people who can directly related to them and what they’re going through.


This group is for anyone who is a caregiver, past or present, who is taking care of anyone—or anyone who has anything to offer to caregivers. It is a place to talk, ask questions, let off steam…just anything you want and need to talk about.

The discussions are active on a number of topics like “Is anyone taking care of a spouse?” and “Lack of support from siblings for caregiving.”

To get started, you’ll have to register with AARP to create a new account (or you can sign in via Facebook) in order to post a topic or a reply to a thread. Otherwise, you can freely browse the various boards and take it all in from an outsider’s perspective. Regardless, it’s good to know there’re people out there who are going through the same stresses you are.

Physicians Choice Private Duty currently serving Omaha, Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa provides seniors and their families a complete understanding of the available care options and helps families maneuver through the challenges of the system. All Encompass services are directed by registered nurses or social workers with no long-term contracts. Contact us today for help with your senior care needs.

“Physicians Choice Private Duty solves the problems families face in finding home health care providers they can trust. Providers who will focus on strategies that keep parents in their homes. To learn more about our health care services, visit http://www.encompass-home-health-care.com.”

Today’s post is part of our new series, The Encompass Way. Here, we’ll go over many of the steps involved in setting up a comprehensive care plan, which helps us to provide seniors and their families a complete understanding of the available care options and helps families maneuver through the challenges of the “system.”

Comprehensive In-Home Assessment

Physicians Choice Private Duty professionals may conduct psychological, environmental, functional and medical assessments, and will develop a written plan of care, and coordinate the health care providers and family members we call the “Home Team” who are responsible for the execution of the plan of care. All assessments are done wherever your loved one resides to determine the best plan of care. From the Comprehensive Assessment outcome, a written plan of care is developed and the plan is communicated to family members and other members of the care team. A completed copy of the comprehensive assessment is yours to keep as a reference.

Below is an overview of the categories we assess when first helping a new client.

Medical Assessment

    • Nutritional status — including oral hygiene


    • Medication review


    • Current medical status


    • Potenital drug interactions and side effects


    • Co Problem list — existing conditions and disease severity


    • Optional pressure sore risk assessment


Environmental Assessment

    • Activity/exercise status


    • Home safety, transportation, functionality


    • Potential home modifications


Assessment of Functioning

    • Instrumental activities of daily living


    • Basic activities of daily living


    • Gait and balance


    • Optional vision/hearing limitations


Social Assessment

    • Informal support needs and assets


    • Current social activities and/or needs


    • Review of potentiality for abuse or neglect


    • Caregiver concerns


    • Care resource eligibility/financial assessment


Psychological Assessment

    • Mood/depression testing


    • Mental status (cognitive) testing


    • Memory/Recall


    • Physical and emotional pain


Currently serving Omaha and surrounding areas, all Encompass services are directed by registered nurses or social workers with no long-term contracts. Contact us today for help with your senior care needs.

Photo courtesy Physicians Choice Private Duty

“Physicians Choice Private Duty solves the challenges families face in caring for aging parents, with a focus on strategies that keep them in their homes. To learn more about our solutions, visit us today..”

Scientists are finding concrete evidence for causes of Alzheimer’s and other related changes to a person’s cognition. This new knowledge is largely thanks to recent technological advances that enable researchers to share, process and analyze huge amounts of data as well as the development of biological and imaging tests that allow a look inside a living brain, helping to detect the disease’s onset and progression.

An executive summary of these most recent advances come courtesy of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which “conducts and supports a balanced and varied program of research that investigates the biological, translational, clinical, behavioral, and societal aspects of Alzheimer’s disease.”

The research took place in 2011 and the first half of 2012. Advances have been made in the following key areas, adapted from the NIH.

Understanding the biology of Alzheimer’s disease

Researchers are very interested in abnormal levels of amyloid and tau proteins, two hallmarks of Alzheimer’s. One study found that nearly half of the brains of people in their 80s and 90s had Alzheimer’s-related changes but remained cognitively intact. It’s still unknown why this is, but it’s quite intriguing.

Genetics and Alzheimer’s disease

Teams of researchers from across the world are looking at gene variants at play in the risk and progression of Alzheimer’s. One such gene (presenilin 1) helps regulate amyloid levels, possibly weakening or strengthening the ability of synapses to connect with other synapses — an important function of learning and memory.

Risk factors for cognitive decline

Scientists are finding that a person’s life history and overall health can influence disease risk. This is in addition to the best known risk factors for Alzheimer’s: age and genetics.

Targets and treatments

Preclinical research is currently underway for compounds and drugs that inhibit Alzheimer’s-releated cellular brain changes. Researchers are discovering that medications already approved for other conditions my possibly be applied to Alzheimer’s. In one study, the cancer drug paclitaxel stabilized tau levels in animals, and in another study an existing cancer treatment lowered amyloid levels in mice.

Detecting and diagnosing

Brain imaging has proven to be a valuable way for researchers to find early signs of Alzheimer’s-related brain changes. Imaging found two of these signs are reduced glucose uptake, a condition tied to diabetes, and structural changes like the thinning of the cerebral cortex.

Therapies’ role in clinical trials

The NIH currently supports a number of clinical trials that aim to prevent and treat Alzheimer’s and onset dementia. Among the treatments are amyloid-clearing medications, aerobic fitness and diabetes drugs.


Activities for Alzheimer’s patients

Alzheimer’s and changing family traditions

Online learning helps family caregivers handle dementia

Physicians Choice Private Duty currently serving Omaha, Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa provides seniors and their families a complete understanding of the available care options and helps families maneuver through the challenges of the system. All Encompass services are directed by registered nurses or social workers with no long-term contracts. Contact us today for help with your senior care needs.

Photo credit: IsaacMao via photopin cc

“Physicians Choice Private Duty solves the problems families face in finding home health care providers they can trust. Providers who will focus on strategies that keep parents in their homes. To learn more about our health care services, visit http://www.encompass-home-health-care.com.”

home care omahaRecently, the NBC Nightly News ran a three-part series on the state of caregiving in the United States. In the final segment, Amy Goyer was interviewed about multigenerational living. In a companion piece to the NBC series, Goyer, who has worked with multigenerational families for many years and is currently living in a household with her parents and a live-in caregiver, wrote an article for the AARP offering tips for those in similar situations, touched on below.

For more multigenerational tips, check out Goyer’s column When Generations Share Space.

    • Always plan ahead. This only helps to protect family relationships. Discuss things like boundaries, use of space and optimal ways to communicate what is and what’s not working. Also, map out roles and responsibilities, even put it in writing if it helps. If you can remember what it was like living with roommates during your college days, you’ll know you need to give a little room and make sacrifices, lest you drive yourself crazy.


    • Go over shared expenses. Make the time to create both individual budgets and a shared household budget. Just make sure who is paying for what and how the bills will be paid — we all know that money is a touchy subject.


    • Use your space wisely. Make sure your home is equipped to meet everyone’s needs, including safe and private space for each family member. Heads up: some families may need to find a home designed for multiple generations, while others may need to remodel and/or modify an existing home.


    • Make family time. With multiple generations living in the same house, you have opportunities that few families have — the chance to spend a lot of quality time together. Goyer suggests creating routine time together, such as shared meals, game nights, movie nights, etc.


    • Go with the flow. Expect that there will be conflicts, frustrations and moments when you wish you still lived alone or only with your spouse. This way when drama appears you’ll be better equipped to handle it. Likewise, make time for yourself to get away from it all — it’ll help you be able to love your family even more.


Physicians Choice Private Duty currently serving Omaha, Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa provides seniors and their families a complete understanding of the available care options and helps families maneuver through the challenges of the system. All Encompass services are directed by registered nurses or social workers with no long-term contracts. Contact us today for help with your senior care needs.

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“Physicians Choice Private Duty solves the problems families face in finding home health care providers they can trust. Providers who will focus on strategies that keep parents in their homes. To learn more about our health care services, visit http://www.encompass-home-health-care.com.”

Elder economic security campaign One Away, sponsored by the National Council on Aging, produced a video on the cost of caregiving. In the video, 61-year-old Sheryl describes her experience being a caregiver for her aging parents. Originally, Sheryl thought she’d only need to take a couple months off of work to care for her mother after a heart surgery. It turned into a full-time caregiving job for both of her parents — a job that has lasted more than a decade.

In order to do so, Sheryl left a six-figure job as a corporate event planner. She’s since developed health problems of her own due to caregiver stress, which has prolonged her husband’s retirement so Sheryl can still be insured. Despite the struggles she’s facing, Sheryl still manages to eloquently tell her story with plenty of humor, creativity and, most importantly, love.

Watch the video:


Caregiver stats (via the Family Caregiving Alliance):

    • 29 percent of the U.S. adult population (65.7 million people) are currently providing care to someone who is ill, disabled or aged.


    • In 2009, caregiver services were valued at $450 billion per year, up from $375 billion in 2007.


    • The number of elderly adults is expected to more than double by 2030, increasing to an estimated 71.5 million seniors.


    • 66 percent of caregivers are female with an average age of 48.


    • About 51 percent of caregivers (male and female) are between the ages of 18 and 49.


    • Of those caring for someone 65-plus, the average age is 63, with one third of caregivers in fair to poor health.


    • 64 percent of caregivers were employed at some point during the last 12 months.


    • 70 percent of working caregivers have work-related difficulties due to their dual caregiving roles.


    • Among working caregivers, 5 percent turn down a promotion, 4 percent choose early retirement and 6 percent give up working entirely.


    • Caregivers spend an average of 20.4 hours a week providing are.


    • In 2010, 14.9 million families and other unpaid caregivers provided 17 billion hours of unpaid care to people with Alzheimer’s and dementia – an estimated value of $202.6 billion.


    • The average duration of someone providing care is 4.6 years.


Physicians Choice Private Duty currently serving Omaha, Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa provides seniors and their families a complete understanding of the available care options and helps families maneuver through the challenges of the system. All Encompass services are directed by registered nurses or social workers with no long-term contracts. Contact us today for help with your senior care needs.

“Physicians Choice Private Duty solves the problems families face in finding home health care providers they can trust. Providers who will focus on strategies that keep parents in their homes. To learn more about our health care services, visit http://www.encompass-home-health-care.com.”

There are many reasons why elderly people should be aware of their overall bone health, especially since one in three adults over the age of 65 fall each year. And these falls often lead to moderate to severe injures which not only diminish quality of life but can also lead to other complications and even cause an early death. So what should a person do? For the elderly, it’s not so different from what is suggested for average people to maintain bone health throughout their lives, including having a healthy diet, sufficient physical activity and maintaining a healthy body weight.

Below are five tips to promote bone health in the elderly, adapted from articles by the National Center for Biotechnology Information and the Center for Disease Control.

1. Have a balanced diet. Many nutrients are important for bone health. That’s why having a daily well-balanced diet with a variety of foods (grains, fruits, vegetables, nonfat or low-fat diary products, meat or beans) is key. The more calcium-rich a food item is, the better it is for your bones. In addition to a person’s normal diet, look for calcium-fortified foods to meet recommended levels.

2. Take your vitamins. The elderly are especially susceptible to having low levels of vitamin D. If getting enough sunlight is not practical, look to boost vitamin D levels through diet or, if all else fails, through supplements. Recent studies have found that vitamin C may also prevent bone loss, helping to fight off osteoporosis.

3. Stay physically active. It’s recommended that adults get at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. In addition to this, specific strength-bearing exercises are critical to building and maintaing bone mass throughout a person’s life. For the elderly, it’s common for do exercises that promote balance (and in turn reduce the risk of falling). Of course, always keep a person’s physical limitations in mind. If there are ever any questions regarding a person’s physical health, it’s best to first consult a doctor or trained health care professional before embarking on an exercise program.

4. Maintain a healthy body weight. Studies have shown that excess fat in the belly and around the organs (visceral fat) is linked to lower bone mineral density. The human body is designed to operate optimally at it’s ideal weight. That said, carrying around extra pounds invariably leads to decreased bone health and an increased risk for developing just about every other chronic degenerative disease.

5. Get screened for osteoporosis. Adults 65 and over should get screened for osteoporosis and, if needed, treated for the disease. Height loss and joint/muscles aches are common symptoms. Osteoporosis (i.e., bone loss) leads to an increased risk of bone fractures, among other complications. Older women are especially at risk.

Are there any other tips we missed regarding promoting bone health among the elderly? Let us know on Twitter or in the comments.

Physicians Choice Private Duty currently serving Omaha, Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa provides seniors and their families a complete understanding of the available care options and helps families maneuver through the challenges of the system. All Encompass services are directed by registered nurses or social workers with no long-term contracts. Contact us today for help with your senior care needs.

Photo credit: Ivana Vasilj via photopin cc

“Physicians Choice Private Duty solves the problems families face in finding home health care providers they can trust. Providers who will focus on strategies that keep parents in their homes. To learn more about our health care services, visit http://www.encompass-home-health-care.com.”

home care omaha alzheimer's dementiaBeing diagnosed with early onset dementia brings about many changes to a person’s life. Not only is there the stress and depression that comes along with an incurable disease, many people begin to isolate themselves from activities they once enjoyed. As a family caregiver, watching the decline of someone you love is no walk in the park either. Still, it’s important to  be adhere to a sense of normalcy in a person’s life. That’s why making the effort to ensure your loved one’s life is full of familiar activities can help ease some of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease as it progresses.

The Alzheimer’s Association offers a list of tips for caregivers to create rewarding activities for someone suffering from Alzheimer’s, depending on the severity of the person’s condition.

    • Always keep your loved one’s skills and abilities in mind, and focus on enjoyment rather than achievement.


    • Keep notes on what makes the person happy as well as what makes him or her anxious. Naturally, fill the day with the happy activities and avoid the others, if possible.


    • Stick to a daily routine as much as possible and incorporate activities your loved one begins without direction (e.g., setting the dinner table). This also builds a person’s sense of self worth, leaving an individual to feel like a valuable part of the household.


    • Creative activities that build on remaining skills can be particularly enjoyable for your loved one.


    • Likewise with activities that relate to past work (e.g., a former farmer might enjoy helping with the yard work).


    • The right time of day can make certain activities more enjoyable for both caregiver and the one receiving care. For example, bathing may be best in the evening before bed.


    • Lastly, adjust activities to stages of the disease. The Alzheimer’s Association notes that more repetitive tasks may be more appropriate as the disease progresses. Also, as a caregiver, be prepared to have your loved one take a less active role in activities.


Patience is definitely a virtue when caring for someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s. Through promoting a strong sense of purpose in daily activities, you and your loved one can live a happier life that establishes a sense of normalcy, encourages self expression and aims reduce stress as much as possible.

Are there any other tips and/or activities you’ve found helpful when caring for someone with Alzheimer’s? Let us know on Twitter or in the comments.

Physicians Choice Private Duty currently serving Omaha, Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa provides seniors and their families a complete understanding of the available care options and helps families maneuver through the challenges of the system. All Encompass services are directed by registered nurses or social workers with no long-term contracts. Contact us today for help with your senior care needs.


Photo credit: mynameisharsha via photopin cc

“Physicians Choice Private Duty solves the problems families face in finding home health care providers they can trust. Providers who will focus on strategies that keep parents in their homes. To learn more about our health care services, visit http://www.encompass-home-health-care.com.”