Types of care facilities for the elderly

Types of care facilities for the elderly

How Respite Care Combats Caregiver BurnoutWhen considering the care of your aging parent, it can be hard to know the different definitions of the types of care facilities for them, let alone which one is best. Here’s a quick reference, taken from a list by the Foundation Aiding The Elderly (FATE), as to what the different types of care facilities are and what they’ll mean for your elderly parent:

Board and care

A facility such as this is not required to have nurses or doctors on staff. They provide meals and activities to residents, plus assist with some tasks like dressing, eating and hygiene, according to FATE. For most of these facilities the residents must be ambulatory (able to walk).

Independent-living facilities

Categorized here are retirement centers, mobile home parks and single-family homes where the levels of care vary, writes FATE. Some of these facilities serve meals in dining halls shared by all residents and some may have assisted living services.

Intermediate-care facilities

These provide medical care for residents who require 24-hour supervision and occasional skilled nursing care. Often in this environment the residents must be able to walk or use a wheelchair, according to FATE. They also must have some control over bowel and bladder functions.

Skilled nursing facilities

Skilled nursing facilities are for around-the-clock care and supervision. Residents often need help with dressing, eating, bowel and bladder care and with the taking of prescribed medications. They also offer many varieties of therapy such as physical, speech and occupational. According to FATE, these facilities are often very institutional and are run by large corporations for profit.

Sub-acute care facilities

This type of facility provides care outside of acute-care wards of hospitals and are for patients on respirators or nasal/tube feeding, writes FATE.

If you’re having trouble deciding what type of care to pursue for your elderly parent in the Omaha area, Physicians Choice Private Duty can help. Contact us today with your senior care needs.

Physicians Choice Private Duty currently serving Omaha, Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa provides seniors and their families a complete understanding of the available care options and helps families maneuver through the challenges of the system. All Physicians Choice Private Duty services are directed by registered nurses or social workers with no long-term contracts. Contact us today for help with your senior care needs.

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