Knowing When Your Parent Needs Help: The Physical Signs



Knowing When Your Parent Needs Help--The Physical Signs

As we age, everyday tasks become much more difficult for us to accomplish and as a result, the need for assistance may increase.

But the perceived threat of dependence is something that troubles most elderly people, especially when a parent has to rely on his or her own children. As a result, your parent may not outright say they need your help, requiring you to do a little detective work.

Throughout this week, we’re going to talk about the signs, both physical and mental, that show that your parents may need some assistance.

Today, we’re going to concentrate on the physical signs. Although both the physical and mental are intertwined, we’re going to break down the two to make things easier to follow. Take a look below:

Personal Appearance

Your mom or dad has always been well put-together, but lately it seems as if they could not care less about how they take care of their personal appearance. While some may argue that they simply don’t care because they have nothing to prove at their age, it could be a sign that they simply can’t take care of themselves.

Here are a few specific signs to consider:

  • Your loved one is beginning to lose weight due to poor dieting
  • They may have an unpleasant body odor because they can no longer shower or bathe themselves
  • Their grooming habits have significantly decreased
  • Their clothing is dirtier or more unkempt than usual due to difficulty of washing clothes

Other serious indicators:

  • They have a significant amount of bruising that they can’t explain
  • They have difficulty standing up or sitting down
  • They have difficulty walking, balancing, and with general mobility

Their Home

Along with their appearance, their home may be in disarray because they are unable to perform daily chores such as cleaning and organizing. Here are some more signs:

  • Piles of unopened mail or a stuffed mailbox
  • Clutter around the house, such as dirty laundry or pots and pans
  • Unpleasant order in the house due to trash not being taken out, dirty laundry, or a refrigerator that hasn’t been cleaned out for a long time.

Finding your parent in such a state can be rather disheartening, but taking the proper steps to ensure that they receive the adequate care they need will help to improve their lives significantly.

If you ever feel concerned about your parents state of health and would like to have your questions answered, please give Encompass a call–we are dedicated to ensuring the best care in all stages of the aging process.

Physicians’ Choice Private Duty Assisted Living currently serving Omaha, Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa provides seniors and their families a complete understanding of geriatric care options and helps families maneuver through the challenges of the system. Get your free Cost Comparison guide by clicking here. Or contact us for a free consultation or just to say hello!

photo credit: Kat Northern Lights Man via photopin cc

“Physicians’ Choice Private Duty Assisted Living solves the challenges families face in caring for aging parents, with a focus on strategies that keep them in their homes. To learn more about our solutions, visit”