Every day you hear more and more about adult children moving back into their parents’ home. But what about moving an aging parent in with their adult child? That, too, is becoming increasingly common.
A recent survey calculated that the cost of a private room in a nursing home is approximately $100,000 per year. For this and other reasons, many families believe that the best choice is moving their aging parent in with them.
Having your parent move in with your family can be a wonderful opportunity to bond. But it is important that you make this decision with your eyes wide open. And no matter how close you are, there are likely to be bumps in the road.
AARP’s article, Considering Moving Your Loved One into Your Home?, encourages all parties involved to ask themselves some important questions before they make a final decision. For example, how will we establish boundaries? It also is important to talk openly about expectations, fears and finances.
Having your parent move in with you doesn’t mean that you need to be with them 24 hours a day. In fact, changes in Medicaid policy has resulted in more money available to pay for home-based services for older individuals.
If you have questions about living arrangements for your elderly parent, including in-home care services, call Physician’s Choice Private Duty today at 402-331-2273.
8212 F Street
Omaha, NE 68127
fax 402-933-4255
Physicians Choice Private Duty
Omaha's Premier In Home Assisted Living Provider