Why More Caregivers Don’t Take Advantage of Respite Care
There are several reasons individuals caring for an elderly loved one opt not to use respite care. Some people believe that respite care is a luxury that they cannot afford. Others feel guilty about leaving their parent in the hands of someone else. The fact is, caring for an aging parent can take a toll on an adult child. No matter how much you love your parent, the fact is, everyone needs a break now and then.
Taking Care of YOU: Self-Care for Family Caregivers
Family caregivers of any age are less likely than non-caregivers to take a preventative approach to their own health or to take care of themselves in general. They also are at an increased risk for depression and alcohol and drug abuse.
Family Caregivers Need More Support
Family caregivers are the backbone of America’s care system, yet they continue to face physical, emotional and financial challenges as they care for loved ones. Most juggle caregiving duties while working full- or part-time jobs. They spend, on average, about 20 percent of their own income on necessities like home modifications. Some are still raising their own families.
Family Caregiving
Caring for an aging parent can be challenging and intimidating. It also can be extremely rewarding. The key to success is getting the support you need so you and the person you are caring for both benefit.
Physician’s Choice Private Duty Omaha can help. Call us today at 402-331-2273