My Parent with Alzheimer’s Wants to Live at Home. Now What?
If your parent is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, you are likely to believe he or she can no longer live at home. The truth is, people with Alzheimer’s can, and do, live at home. Early stage Alzheimer’s is often mild and can last for years so it’s important not to make any hasty decisions and remember that every individual and situation is unique.
Keeping People With Dementia at Home Longer
There is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s or dementia but that doesn’t mean patients cannot stay at home. Often the key to keeping a loved one with these conditions in their own home comes down to routine assessments and simple safety measures.
Coordinated Care Lets Alzheimer’s Parents Stay at Home Longer
Alzheimer’s patients, like most seniors, would prefer to stay in their own homes for as long as possible. Researchers at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine have found that this is not just possible, but in many cases, preferable than moving such patients to assisted living or a nursing home.
6 Care Options for Alzheimer’s Parents
In the early stages of Alzheimer’s, in-home health care can allow patients to remain in familiar surroundings and enjoy as much independence as is possible. No matter what stage of Alzheimer’s your loved one is in, finances, location and other unique issues will need to be taken into consideration before any decisions are made.
Physician’s Choice Private Duty Omaha is here to help. Call us today at 402-331-2273