
Keeping Your Parent at Home

Keeping Your Parent at Home


Conventional wisdom is that seniors want to stay in their home but this is often not feasible due to the cost involved with providing in home care.

Most articles compare the costs of in home health care vs. assisted living or nursing homes. These articles are filled with gloom and doom detailing how caring for your aging parents, at home or in a care center, spelled financial ruin.

At Physician’s Choice Private Duty, we look at things a different way.  We know that it is possible to keep parents in the home without breaking the bank, if that’s your goal.

Articles on keeping your parent at home for as long as possible


  The Benefits of Aging in PlaceBenefits of Aging In Place

Fresh perspective in that most financial publications talk about how retirement and aging are a thing to be feared and a “worst-case scenario” is usually presented. This article talked about the many benefits (including financial) of having the elderly stay in their homes.


  There’s No Place Like Home for Growing Old

This is a very straightforward look at what kind of assistance the elderly need as they grow older. The article also includes private and government resources.



  3 Things to Know When Hiring a Home Health Aide

Brief overview of the home health care industry. Explains what you need to do when you find yourself in the position of needing to choose a home health care provider.


Home Care Service for Seniors

A guide to talking to your parent about bringing help into the home and how to address any negative reactions.