How to Approach Your Aging Parent about Depression



How to Approach Your Aging Parent about Depression

Having an understanding of what elderly depression entails is one of the key steps to helping your loved ones improve their lives.

Throughout this guide, we’ve talked about the various aspects of elderly depression, from a brief overview (i.e. the physical effects, suicide rates, and the importance of addressing such issues), to the causes of depression, to the physical signs of depression, as well as the mental signs of depression.

Now that you’re better acquainted with the various aspects of elderly depression, we’re going to help you by guiding you through how to care for them in their time of need. For today, we’re going to focus on how to approach your aging parent when it comes to discussing depression.

Take a look below:

It’s never just in their head

Throughout this guide, we’ve talked about the importance of understanding just how much depression can affect a persons life. As such, it’s important to take everything your parents say into consideration. Never treat your loved one as if their symptoms are all in their head. Whether it has to do with physical symptoms such as chronic pain or headaches, or mental symptoms such feelings of loneliness or extreme feelings of guilt, belittling your parents problems will only make the situation worse and prevent you from properly helping them.

Depression is more than just a simple illness

Another thing you want to remember is that you avoid treating your loved ones problem like a common cold or flu. Remember, depression is much more complicated than it seems. Once again, belittling their situation by making them feel like they have an illness that simply needs to cured, will only make them feel worse about it and will more than likely cause them to close up rather than let you help.

Talk them through it

Most importantly, you need to make sure you show your support for your parents by talking them through their struggles. Letting them know you are willing to help is one of the best ways to warm them up to idea of that things can be improved because sometimes, they just need to know someone is there by their side. Hopefully, once they feel comfortable enough opening up to you, they will have the confidence to seek out professional help.

Approaching your parents about their depression can be difficult not only for them, but for you as well. Remember though, the sooner you approach them, the better chance you have at improving their lives.

As always, if you ever concerned about the well-being of your loved one, please feel free to give us a call. We are always here to help.

Physicians’ Choice Private Duty Assisted Living currently serving Omaha, Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa “provides seniors and their families a complete understanding of geriatric care options and helps families maneuver through the challenges of the system. Get your free Cost Comparison guide by clicking here. Or contact us for a free consultation or just to say hello!

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“Physicians’ Choice Private Duty Assisted Living solves the challenges families face in caring for aging parents, with a focus on strategies that keep them in their homes. To learn more about our solutions, visit”