It’s a difficult time for a family when a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
Besides the stress and the grief, there are more than enough tasks to deal with: numerous visits to the doctor, mapping out a long-term care plan, and, above all else, making sure that your loved one is as happy and comfortable as possible.
During the early stages of Alzheimer’s and other dementia, many family members know relatively little about this chronic condition that slowly deteriorates a person’s cognitive function. Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s is not easy, so it’s very important to be familiar with modern treatments, as well as how to interact with someone in the late stages of the disease.
Many families turn to the internet to find helpful information on Alzheimer’s and other conditions. Of course, some websites are more useful than others.
To help you sift through the noise, we’ve put together a list of the top 20 online resources on the subject below (in no particular order):
1. National Institute on Aging’s Alzheimer’s website–
2. Alzheimer’s Care & Dementia Resource Center–
3. Alzheimer’s Association–
4. The Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation–
5. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Alzheimer’s website–
6. This Caring Home–
7. PBS’ “The Forgetting: A Portrait of Alzheimer’s”–
8. Caregiver Action Network Video Resource Center–
9. “Mayo Clinic on Alzheimer’s Disease” (book)
10. Alzheimer’s Disease International–
11. Help for Alzheimer’s Families–
12. Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiver Resource–
13. Alvin A. Dubin Alzheimer’s Resource Center–
14. Healing Well (online community, support, and other resources)–
15. Senior Journal (the latest Alzheimer’s and dementia reports)–
16. Alzheimer’s Foundation of America–
17. Mayo Clinic’s online Alzheimer’s resource center–
18. Alzheimer’s-In-Your-Home–
19. Alzheimer’s Reading Room–
20. Alzheimer’s Association Midlands–
Do you have a resource that you find useful, but don’t see on the list? Or, do you have any questions about Alzheimer’s in general? We’d love to hear from you–and we’re always here to help.
Physicians’ Choice Private Duty Assisted Living currently serving Omaha, Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa provides seniors and their families a complete understanding of geriatric care options and helps families maneuver through the challenges of the system. Get your free Cost Comparison guide by clicking here. Or contact us for a free consultation or just to say hello!
Photo credit: Redfishingboat (Mick O) via photopin cc
“Physicians’ Choice Private Duty Assisted Living solves the challenges families face in caring for aging parents, with a focus on strategies that keep them in their homes. To learn more about our solutions, visit”