Our homes are truly our castles. We work hard to afford our homes, and take pride in every detail. And really, these things don’t change as we age. Many people–some surveys say 90% or more–want to stay in their homes forever. Personally, I have never met anyone who has selected their nurs
ing home and is excited for the day they can move in. This isn’t to say that nursing homes are a bad solution–they serve a purpose and I completely understand that–but just to note that most people want to remain as independent as possible for as long as possible.
It isn’t hard to figure out why seniors are forced out of their homes and into assisted living facilities and/or nursing homes. There are some very preventable reasons that cause seniors to move from the comforts of their own home to communal living.
The three major reasons an older person must move out of their home are falls, food, and medication errors. By devising a safe plan around these three areas, most seniors can remain in their homes indefinitely.
Preventing falls as a key to independence — Falling is a complex issue with many causes and solutions. Creating a safe environment is key to eliminating falls. The biggest risk factor of being hurt by a fall is having a previous fall. One in three individuals over the age of 65 injures himself or herself every year in a fall. Once a fall injury occurs, staying at home becomes less of an option for an older person. A serious fall can result in injuries requiring surgery and rehabilitation, or in extreme cases, even death. Simple things like removing throw rugs and keeping hallways well lit are simple solutions that can help eliminate the risk of a fall. Teaching seniors the proper way to fall –in such a way as to lessen the risk of serious injury–is important as well.
Nutritional needs and how they change in the elderly — Proper nutrition is another reason older adults must move from their homes into places that provide meals. As we age, our appetite decreases and we lose weight. While losing weight in itself isn’t necessarily bad, the lack of proper nutrition makes older people more susceptible to other illnesses, making them weaker and unable to care for themselves properly in many instances. By providing smaller meals throughout the day, the seniors can continue getting proper nutrition without feeling overly full.
- Related: Encompass’ mini nutritional assessment.
The importance of medication management — The final reason that older adults lose their independence, in combination with the other two reasons, is compliance in taking prescribed medications. There are many factors that contribute to an older person becoming non-compliant with their medications, including cost, confusion, lack of knowledge, and forgetfulness. Staying on track with medications as they’re advised by a doctor is absolutely critical.
These three risk factors–falling, food and medication errors–are all interrelated and easily managed. By developing a strategy to deal with each of these concerns, a senior can remain in their home, and their family can have peace of mind in knowing their loved one is safe and happy. Home safety evaluations are offered throughPhysicians’ Choice Private Duty Assisted Living. You can arrange for one by calling 402-331-2273 or taking a look at our website.
Physicians’ Choice Private Duty Assisted Living “ currently serving Omaha, Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa ” provides seniors and their families a complete understanding of geriatric care options and helps families maneuver through the challenges of the system. Get your free Cost Comparison guide by clicking here . Or contact us for a free consultation or just to say hello!
Photo credit: North Dakota National Guard via photopin cc
“Physicians’ Choice Private Duty Assisted Living solves the challenges families face in caring for aging parents, with a focus on strategies that keep them in their homes. To learn more about our solutions, visit http://www.private-duty.firstcareco.wpengine.com.”